Celebration of Spring

Pony rides during the Celebration of Spring at Posse Grounds Park.

Spring has sprung! Join the City of Sedona’s Parks and Recreation Department for its 6th annual Celebration of Spring on April 19 from 9 a.m. until noon at Posse Grounds Park (525 Posse Ground Road in West Sedona). The event includes an egg hunt, petting zoo, pony rides, face painting and carnival rides. Children 8 and younger will have their work cut out for them as they search for 10,000 hidden eggs, including a few golden eggs containing special prizes. The hunt begins at 10 a.m. and is divided into age groups. For children ages 9 to 12, organizers will host a scavenger hunt at 10:30 a.m. The Easter Bunny will be on hand for photos. Admission is $2 for kids and free for adults. Advanced tickets go on sale April 7 at the parks and recreation office (102 Roadrunner Drive in West Sedona). For more information, call 928-282-7098 or visit www.sedonaaz.gov and click on the parks and recreation link. – Erika Ayn Finch.

SEDONA CALENDAR: Events, activities, shows, happenings

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